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Hsc College Admission Result Online 2016 | www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd

Hsc College Admission Result Online 2016 | www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd

All College HSC Admission result will be published today after 12.30 PM. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid attend a meeting at Secretariat for decide HSC 2016-2017 education year. He leads the meeting. After finish the meeting Dhaka Board Chairman Professor Taslima Begum said that for HSC academic year 2016-2017 involved candidates have to apply by SMS in Teletalk mobile. But they can also apply in usual method. In this meeting Education Secretary Mohammad Sadik & Director of Secondary & Higher Secondary Department Professor Fahima Khatun also present.

HSC Admission Online application start: 26 May 2016
HSC Admission application last date: 9th June 2016

College admission start from: 18th June 2016

HSC Online Admission Result 2016


Personal Result

 College Result 

How To Check Admission Result

How To HSC Admission Result 2016-2017 via SMS

The most effective method to check HSC Admission Result:

According to board roundabout, Education Board power can send HSC confirmation result to candidatestransportable. Understudies will check confirmation result from http://app.xiclassadmission.gov.bd site. Understudieswill check all instruction board result utilizing this websiteto induce confirmation result, they have to login byshopper ID or EIIN and secret key. 

Recuperate Your Forget Password: 

Candidates secret word is imperative in on-line procedure. while not secret key, they can not login net portal.To change watchword, they have to open on-line secret key convalescence framework and provides move, board name, versatile and then on secret word can send to versatile. 


Result: http://www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd/ 

Prior to that understudies apply for HSC affirmation on-line this year. on-line framework has begun recently. Yet, all candidates have confronted framework blunder issue from beginningduring this circumstance, Board power hasextended application time up to 10/6/2016 already it absolutely was 9/6/2016. 

All faculty ought to end confirmation method within June thirty, 2015. HSC category are begun from 1/7/2016. Understudies will get affirmation by late charge within 26/7/2016. HSC initial year practical category are begun from August 1, 2016.

In merit list for Science group General Math, Higher Math & Biology will be considered. In merit list for Arts & Business Studies group Bangle, English & General Math will be considered.
Those colleges have 300 seats are available for students they start online admission. But those colleges have 500 seats are available for students they have to continue admission process by online. This rules are add in that meeting. We will announce all update information about All College HSC Admission Circular Form 2016 Download in our website at https://lastupdatebd.blogspot.com/.

Hsc College Admission Result Online 2016 | www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd Hsc College Admission Result Online 2016 | www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd Reviewed by Tech Tips on 6:45:00 AM Rating: 5

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